M Saleh EG wrote:
What I mean by Application-Scope variables is  variables that can be
available for the Application or Web-Application all the time after
starting the application by a trigger. After having the triger fired
those Application-Scope Variables, Datastructures, Object, and
refrences would be available for all the requests. That's how I'd
equate persistant PHP-Applications to having Application-Scope PHP

A lame Example to illustrate the purpose of Application-Scope
variables would be the persistant DB connections. Not 100% the same
but it's for the same purpose

So if you could have a huge object persistant( Application-Scope
object ) that does alot of work for you then that object is a PHP
persistant application which I call Application-Scope var or object !

Hope that clears it out.

For single-server multi-threaded architectures this is trivial to do, but it doesn't scale to the multi-server multi-process architecture PHP uses.


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