Tim Burgan wrote:

I've just tried using heredocs [1] for the first time, but I am receiving parse errors always on the very last line of my document.

The error is caused by my heredocs. Am I using it correctly? When I
replaced the heredoc with a string.. everything worked again.

Here's my code with heredocs (and the lines before and after for context):

/* Query the database */
$db_sql = <<<SQL

        SELECT  id, expiry, permissions
        FROM    tblStudents
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  id, expiry, permissions
        FROM    tblStaff;


the token 'SQL' must be the first and only thing on that line (other than the terminating semi-colon):

$db_sql = <<<SQL

         SELECT  id, expiry, permissions
         FROM    tblStudents
         UNION ALL
         SELECT  id, expiry, permissions
         FROM    tblStaff;


other that that your code was fine. :-)

$rs = $db_connection->execute($db_sql);

Here's my code without heredocs (and the lines before and after for context) - this works fine:

/* Query the database */
$db_sql = 'SELECT id, expiry, permissions FROM tblStudents UNION ALL
SELECT id, expiry, permissions FROM tblStaff;';
$rs = $db_connection->execute($db_sql);

What am I doing wrong? Are there any requirements to using heredocs? I'm using PHP4, Apache, Win XP.


Thanks Tim

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