On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 17:15:37 +0000, Rory Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think sending it to the list every so often, via cron isn't the best
> way to handle it. I've read it once, I don't see the point in getting
> it again. Perhaps, is the list admins were willing, it could be set up
> to be sent to all newbies, as part of the subscription process. To
> ensure that it is read by all newbies, they'd have to answer certain
> questions in the body of the confirmation email? The problem of
> newbies not knowing they are newbies, isn't overcome by cron.

That doesn't seem like a good idea to me.  I wouldn't want to take a
test just because I need to resubscribe after vacation, or a change of
email address.  Besides that, if the test is unmonitored, well.. 

The Perl solution many years ago was to make a newbie list.  My local
Linux user group solution last year was to make a newbie list.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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