On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 14:18:54 -0400, Daniel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>I am writting a session enabled webapp that has a typical login
>page.  The
>page submits to itself and upon validation, I want to allow the user
>continue on to the next page.
>>From everything I have read so far, the only way to redirect
>programmatically is via header().  Unfortunately, what I'm seeing is
>while the followup page is loaded, the location in the address bar
>(of IE
>5.5) is not updated.  Is this something specific to IE?  I would
>like the
>address bar to have the correct address instead of the old page.
>Any suggestions?

in my experience, using a full url:
header("Location: http://www.mysite.com/mypage.html");

will do what you want while just using a path:
header("Location: /mypage.html");

will not.

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