I'm trying to run 3 jobs in a crontab and only one job will run. I can rearrange the order and only the first one runs.

Here is my code, the command line may show wrapped, but it is not:

#phpList PQ This job replaces its log and error files. Runs at 3:03am, 3:18, etc. 3,18,33,48 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /www/r/rester/htdocs/phpList/PQ/PQutility.php >/www/r/rester/htdocs/phpList/PQ/cron.log 2>/www/r/rester/htdocs/phpList/PQ/cron.err

#At 4:01 our time, run backups. This job replaces its log and error files.
7 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /www/r/rester/htdocs/auto_backup/back_em_up.php 
>/www/r/rester/auto_backup/cron.log 2>/www/r/rester/auto_backup/cron.err

#At 4:02 clean up sessions folder
8 1 * * * (find /www/r/rester/htdocs/sessions/ -name 'sess_*' -mtime +1 -delete)

I've tried removing the blank lines between jobs, doesn't help.

Anyone see anything wrong with my syntax?


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