Jason Wong wrote:
On Thursday 03 February 2005 18:08, Jochem Maas wrote:

Jason, I use Thunderbird - AFAICT its pretty real, BUT I have to have
allow return reciepts because of other things/work I do - turning them off
is not an option for me

I can understand it if it's to enable scheduling features. However if it's to inform people that you've received their mail, or read their mail, or (gasp) deleted their mail without reading it (because you've already read in the preview pane) then that is totally dumb (with a capital D (& U & M & B & A & ...))

well actually in my case its company policy to honour read reciepts to a number of clients..... they are:

a, rich - and we want their business (telling them to turn that shit off is not 
an option)
b, they have no f***** idea about setting up their apps/system properly

but then again I kind of take pleasure in returning a read reciept to
someone who has sent an email to a mailing list - the vision of them recieving 
of receipts I find very amusing :-)

as a side note - how come your [EMAIL PROTECTED] address always bounces?

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