> I know how to do popups with Javascript, but what I want is
> to use purely PHP.  Is there a way to spawn a browser window
> from a server-side action?

I'm afraid you'll have you use Javascript. The only way to make a new window
is to use window.open, or to have someone click a link with the target of

So with window.open and window.close, I think you can accomplish all you'd
like to.

But if someone turns off java, none of it will work. So you'll probably want
to allow some other way of logging in. I know many places (game sites are
especially guilty of this) that require javascript just to login, even
though nothing in the site even uses javascript!

I really do hate that.

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

""Dan Harrington"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> Does anyone have ideas about this kind of scenario?
> 1)  Load a php page, based on whether a user is currently
> authenticated either:
> a) if not authenticated: pop up a new browser window
> or
> b) if already authenticated, proceed
> 2)  Based on the login id of the individual that either
> failed to login or succeeded, you either:
> a) close the little popup window and
> load a user information page from a database
> on the original page.
> or
> b) close the little popup window and
> load an error message up on the original page.
> The average gray generic "enter user name and password"  in
> IE or Netscape isn't good enough because the login page
> needs to have multiple options that are dynamically generated
> as well (login.php would be the contents of a popup)
> I know how to do popups with Javascript, but what I want is
> to use purely PHP.  Is there a way to spawn a browser window
> from a server-side action?
> Thanks
> Dan
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