Hey all,

Thanks guys, I'm checking the ones you recommended and taking most of your
advise ;-)

Feel free to write in if you missed anything in your old reply or have new


> Hey all,
> I have a client who has a computer store, now he wants to put all his
> in one site.
> He does not want to do any selling from his site, but just list all his
> items.
> After looking via google and the the usual script sites, agora cart looks
> pretty good and easy to maintain, other choices
> I dont really want to build this from scratch as I am sure a lot of very
> very good solutions are already out there and i would rather use the time
> instead to either tweak the software to his particular needs/requests
> <request>
> for example:
> he wants a few lines and a picture(optional) of his product (eg: a HP
> printer) and when clicked on it should pop up a window with that products
> details.
> </request>
> or cleaning up his design, digital snaps etc
> I've never really worked on a site like this before so I would appreciate
> any recommendations you have towards a cart or catalog system thats has
> worked really well for you, or you heard is good or you helped develop etc
> I would like a cart/catalog that is open source (does not have to be
> free..but not expensive) so i can play with the code if need be.
> The reason i was leaning towards a cart is, if he ever decides to sell
> online, i dont want to build a whole extra piece of software to go with
> catalog.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ryan

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