Dan Tappin wrote:
I think Rory has trouble jumping to conclusions. I was attacked off list by Rory thinking I was another list member... another dant (remember the OT adult content rant / thread?).

who me? :-)

I would agree that this is not really spam... just bad judgment. The flood of angry replies to this poster should teach them their lesson about mailing list etiquette. If it continues they will simply be banned from the list.

With free speech you have to live with the odd incident like this.

here here - I thought It was kind of humourous, I also bare in mind that these guys in the far east are just trying to make their way in the world too, they are at a disadvantage with the language also. besides which there is a quite a culture gap - I notice it alot in the way people from India/FarEast ask questions in general - its a totally different 'style'

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