> I am new to PHP, stuck with a problem and need your help.
> I would like to change a variable to type resource.
> I searched in php.net and in google but did not find anything helpful.
> Now , why I would like to do that...
> I am writing a socket application which will accept connection from
> browser,receive data and write the data sent by browser into another
> open socket.Receive data from the open socket and write it back to the
> browser.
> When there are more than one client(browser) connecting to my program
> ,I am saving the connection information (socket ID)for browser
> connections in a plain text file.
> I intend to retrive the socket ID information and do a
> socket_write(..) with socket ID as the first parameter, but I am
> getting an error that I cant convert any type to a resource type. Is
> there any workaround ??
> Is it going to help me if I use session information ?
> I am not using apache.
> I may be wrongly designing the program.

The design just maybe might be fine in theory, but in practice...

A socket connection can't be shared across PHP instances, I don't think.

Certainly not by writing the resource into a text file.

You *MIGHT* be able to write the resource into shared memory
http://php.net/shmop but I doubt that will work at all, and even if it
does, having two programs reading/writing the same socket resource at one
time sounds like a recipie for disaster.

Why do you want to share this socket across two PHP programs?

What exactly are you doing?

I suspect that the design is not right, even in theory, but can't be sure.

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