assuming you are using PEAR DB -

$result =& $db->query("UPDATE items SET (item_name, item_desc, item_price, extraprice) VALUES (?,?,?,?) WHERE item_id = 3", array($_POST['title'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['price'],
if (PEAR::isError($result))
echo "Error: There was an error with the query. Message returned: ";
die($result->getMessage().' '.$db->getUserInfo().' '));

Should give you some info to tell you what is wrong.

Danny Brow wrote:

I'm trying to update some form data with this db update query and it's
not working, I'm not getting an error either.

$db->query("UPDATE items SET item_name = $_POST[title], item_desc =
$_POST[description], item_price = $_POST[price], extraprice =
$_POST[extraprice] WHERE item_id = 3");


I've tried this:

$db->query("UPDATE items SET (item_name, item_desc, item_price,
       VALUES (?,?,?,?) WHERE item_id = 3",
       array($_POST['title'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['price'],

Thanks, Dan.

-- Respectfully, Ligaya Turmelle

"Life is a game.... so have fun"

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