Hi, Jason,

Thanks a lot for suggestion. Does it mean that I have tried to serialize some object (like adodb db object)? How I can eliminate this? I really cannot find where this object or whatever else is going to be serailized. The problematic line of code just serialized an array.

On Mar 16, 2005, at 18:30, Jason Barnett wrote:

Andrei Verovski wrote:
Notice: serialize() [function.serialize]: __sleep should return an array
only containing the names of instance-variables to serialize. in
ANVphpApp.php on line 840

Anyone knows what is the problem?

Exactly what the notice says ;) basically __sleep is used so that you can prevent certain properties (file pointers, db connections, objects, etc.) from being serialized.



class Dummy {
  public    $s1  = 'I am a test string';
  protected $s2  = 'I am the protected string';
  private   $_s3 = 'I am the private string';
  var       $a1  = array('testing', 1, 2, 3);
  static    $i1  = 0;

  function __sleep() {
    $i = self::$i1++;
    echo "Oops, I forgot everything!  $i\n";
    return array();

class hasMemory extends Dummy {

  private $_fp = NULL;

  function __construct() {
    $this->_fp = fopen('/path/to/some/file', 'r');

  function __sleep() {
    $props_to_save = array('s1', 's2', 'a1');
    echo "I know about the following properties:\n";
    return $props_to_save;

$_SESSION['obj1']    = new Dummy();
$_SESSION['obj2']    = new hasMemory();
$_SESSION['string']  = '123abcdefg!';
$_SESSION['integer'] = 1;
$_SESSION['float']   = .1234;
$_SESSION['double']  = .1234567890123456;
$_SESSION['bool']    = TRUE;

foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) {
  echo "$key: ";


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