btw, thanks for your response.

I'm not sure as if I understand why.  It's not like I'm using a very
precise number when dealing with the hundreths place.

Even without the multiplication the number gets messed up.


$a = 17.00;
$a+= 1.10;
$a+= 0.32;
$a+= 0.07;

print $a."<br>"; // 18.49

var_dump($a);  // float(18.49)
var_dump($a-18.49); // float(3.5527136788005E-15)

I'm just trying to add money amounts?  Can I not rely on floats to do this?

Richard Lynch wrote:
> Floats are NEVER going to be coming out "even" reliably.
> You'll have to check if the difference is less than X for whatever number
> X you like.
> Or you can look at something like BC_MATH where precision can be carried
> out as far as you like...
> But what you are seeing is to be expected.
> That's just the way computers work, basically.
> On Mon, April 4, 2005 5:07 pm, Anthony Tippett said:
>>Ok i've narrowed it down a little bit but still can't figure it out..
>>Here's the code and what I get for the output.  Does anyone know what's
>>going on?  Can someone else run it on their computer and see if they get
>>the same results?
>>$a = "17.00" * "1";
>>$a+= "1.10" * "1";
>>$a+= "0.32" * "1";
>>$a+= "0.07" * "1";
>>print $a."<br>"; // 18.49
>>var_dump($a);  // float(18.49)
>>var_dump($a-18.49); // float(3.5527136788005E-15)
>>Anthony Tippett wrote:
>>>I'm having trouble figuring out why subtraction of two floats are giving
>>>me a very small number.  I'm thinking it has something to do with the
>>>internals of type casting, but i'm not sure.  If anyone has seen this or
>>>can give me some suggestions, please.
>>>I have 2 variables that go through a while loop and are
>>>added/subtracted/ multipled. InvAmt and InvPay are shown as
>>>floats but when they are subtracted, they give me a really small
>>>// code
>>>// output
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