Thanks, while that solution would technically work, it doesn't appeal to me very much.

What these values are are the primary key of a table in a database. They are going to be primarily numbers, but I need the ability to have them as strings as well.

I'm probably going to end up checking if the Users browser is IE, then double encoding them if so.


Philip Hallstrom wrote:

You could base64_encode it... you'll run into url length issues at some point, but I believe that's around 4kbytes or so...

I've done this before... something like:


then undo it on the other end.

On Mon, 4 Apr 2005, Chris wrote:

I'm writing a web app that passes values in the URL separated by a / . I'm passing these values by supplying links to them.

The writing and reading of these values is fine, I'm just stuck at the differing ways IE handles urlencoding the data..

IE will not work unless I double urlencode it `urlencode(urlencode($sData))` while Firefox and Opera (and, I imagine, every other non-microsoft browser out there) only needs to be encoded once.

I could gripe about IE or whatnot, but I just want to know if there have been 'solutions' to this problem in the past?



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