> Well, CAPTCHA ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captcha) is a 
> pretty neat solution ( 
> http://www.pear.php.net/package/Text_CAPTCHA ). You can also 
> generate random numbers (www.php.net/rand 
> www.php.net/mt_rand) and combining it with this PEAR package 
> http://www.pear.php.net/package/Numbers_Words which is also a 
> good solution. The pass-string if I can call it so is best to 
> be kept as a session variable, since it's stored on the 
> server-side and the user can't view it. Storing its hash in a 
> cookie can be also pretty fine, but storing it in a GET 
> variable is more than stupid.

http://phpsec.org/articles/2005/text-captcha.html is a good primer on how to
use CAPTCHA effectively



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