On Apr 9, 2005 12:35 PM, Ryan A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I thought this would be simple and just a few mins of programming but along
> the way...i have managed to confuse myself ;-D
> I have 2 field in my table users_online:
> present_date_time datetime
> expires_in datetime
> for present_date_time I am using now() to insert
> but for expires_in I need to have it now()+5 mins
> I was screwing around with now()+ X
> but thats getting me some weird results if its the end of the hour or day...

mysql> select NOW(), DATE_ADD( NOW(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE );
| NOW()               | DATE_ADD( NOW(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE ) |
| 2005-04-09 12:27:36 | 2005-04-09 12:32:36                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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