
I've done this in the past when setting a cookie for a user-defined theme and also for a message board which used the post method. In my case I put all of the logic into a separate page altogether. So you'd have your form on page A, logic in page B and a landing page which can be the same as A. The logic page (B) would perform some validation and then redirect the browser back to page A with either a GET var in the redirected URL indicating failure or success.

basically:[form submission POST]->[HTTP REDIRECT->

I know this is similar to your existing flow, but try it in a separate page. The additional redirect seems to do the trick. Besides, it helps keep logic separate from UI. ;-)

Andy Pieters wrote:

Hi all

I noticed some sites are able to remove POST data 100% of the time. Even if the user presses the back button there is no more POST data pressent.

I would like to achieve the same thing and currently I use a location header to transfer the user to the same page.


check post
do action
header('Location: $thispage');

But then when the user presses the back button they can still retransmit the action.

I tried playing with the MUST-REVALIDATE, pragma-nocache header and stuff but it doesn't seem to work. Also I notice that on some sites, when I press the back button, there is a white page that sais "Your session has expired".

It should be noticed that I do not use sessions.

It should be like POST-once, after that there should be no more remnants of it.

With kind regards


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