Thanks for replying.

> Check my reply.

I did, the problem is the client is on a box with mySql 3.23.x or 4.0.x, he
is deciding to upgrade to a dedicated box but then the host he is looking at
says they will charge him if they are to upgrade to mysql 4.1 (hence i cant
even use sub-selects)
(Sorry I didnt mention the MySql version before...didnt think it was
important till now)

> Cons:
> 0. there are 3 queries: select, insert/update, delete


> 1. you're using more than 1 query

Giving the fact that i am on a low version of MySql....I dont see much
choice here

> 2. your logic is tough ;-)

Thats pretty cryptic...care to explain please?

> 3. you've mixed the php and mysql logic together.

again...what other choices do i have given the low version of MySql


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