when the if statement is true how do i make it appear as the last record in
the loop?

$tabarray = array('/games' => 'Games', '/news' => 'News');

foreach ($tabarray AS $loc => $item)
 if(strpos($loc, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) !== false)
  $tabmenulist .= '<td class="tabsel"><a href="'.$loc.'">'.$item.'</a></td>
  $tabmenulist .= '<td class="tabdel"><a href="'.$loc.'">'.$item.'</a></td>

this should work if I understand you correctly...

$tabarray = array('/games' => 'Games', '/news' => 'News');

foreach ($tabarray AS $loc => $item)
 if(strpos($loc, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) !== false)
  $last_tabmenulist = '<td class="tabsel"><a href="'.$loc.'">'.$item.'</a></td>
  $tabmenulist .= '<td class="tabdel"><a href="'.$loc.'">'.$item.'</a></td>

$tabmenulist .= $last_tabmenulist;

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