Thanks. I took a look, and you were right. It was creating another entry in the array at the end, so I used an if statement checking the value of [1] and [2] in $array_of_fields.

Thanks for all the great help!!!!

Bob Palma

Duncan Hill wrote:

On Wednesday 20 April 2005 16:01, Bob Palma typed:

Wow!  Thanks.. That works great.  Just one small hitch though.  After it
prints all of the data properly, it adds one more '$date' on the end
which gets printed as '12/31/69 7:00:pm'.  Is there a way to do all
groups - 1 ?

No reason for it to do that unless your data is a bit weird.

Use print_r() or var_dump to see what each array contains - you might find you have a blank entry being tacked on somehow (which you could detect with an if).

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