Hi guys,
I have to say, I've written so many scripts that had file upload functions 
but this time something strange is happening.

The script passes the IMAGE_TYPE check, and picture's name stores in the 
database (so I guess the picture should have been stored in the dir.), but 
when I look at the ftp - there's no picture in the upload directory.

Chmod of the directory is 777;

Here it is:

$realdir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/img/';
$uploadfile = $realdir. basename($_FILES['postbilde']['name']);

        if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['postbilde']['tmp_name'], 
$uploadfile)) {
               $put_name_en = $_POST['subject_en'];

                if (!empty($put_name_en)) {
                        $image = basename($_FILES['postbilde']['name']);
                        $check_image = 

                        if( (exif_imagetype("$check_image") == 
IMAGETYPE_JPEG)||(exif_imagetype("$check_image") == IMAGETYPE_GIF) ){
                        $put_img = $image;
                        $img_root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/img/';
                        $kick = $img_root.$image;
                        $put_img = '';

                        mysql_query("INSERT INTO data (subject_en, img) 
VALUES ('$put_name_en', '$put_img')") OR die(mysql_error());

                        echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" 
        } else {
           echo "The upload was unsuccessful !";

Sorry for my bad english,
Thank you in advance,

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