
if (copy($f1,"upload.txt"))
  echo "<b>Upload successfully";
  $fname=substring (strrchr($f1_name,"\\"),1);
unlink ($f1);

also the substring() function does not exist until unless you have written
it yourself for the code. The standard function is substr().

hope that helps


Ankur Verma
New Delhi

-----Original Message-----
From: JoshuaHu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: [PHP] file upload failed....:(

I use PHP 4.04p11 on Apache.
But my upload.php can't work...
f1 is the name of file-upload-variable....

if (copy($f1,"upload.txt"))
  echo "<b>Upload successfully";
  $fname=substring (strrchr($f1_name,"\"),1);
unlink ($f1);

The browser returns
    Parse error: parse error in c:/inetpub/php_root/upload.php on line 8
Can anyone tell me where I make mistake...
thanks a lot....

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