On Thu, May 12, 2005 4:43 pm, Chris Shiflett said:
>  From me:
> The fact that it uses the character set of your current connection to
> MySQL means that what your escaping function considers to be a single
> quote is exactly what your database considers to be a single quote. If
> these things don't match, your escaping function can miss something that
> your database interprets, opening you up to an SQL injection attack.

Under the following pre-conditions:
1. C Locale / English in MySQL data
2. No intention to ever switch natural language, nor database.

is there any real benefit to spending man hours I really can't afford for
legacy code to switch from Magic Quotes to mysql_real_escape_string -- and
make no mistake, it would be a TON of man hours.

If I *HAVE* to do it; fine.

If it's not going to really make a difference in my Security, I'm only
going to use mysql_real_escape_string going forward.

Or, put it another way:

If somebody puts in some big-5 data, or whatever, and I have Magic Quotes,
is it "safe" or is that somehow going to allow some sql-injection security

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