On Sun, June 5, 2005 4:56 pm, Script Head said:
> i have the following structure:
> class product {
>   function create() {
>   // db stuff
>   }
> }
> class product_model {
>   function create() {
>   // db stuff
>   }
> }
> class product_submodel {
>   function create() {
>   // db class
>   }
> }
> i would like class product to extend class product_model and class
> product_model to exten class product_submodel. how would i go about
> this since all three classes contain a method create?

It's EXPECTED that classes have common methods.

If they do *NOT* have any common methods (or properties) they probably
shouldn't be sub-classes of each other.

Inside product_submodel->create() you can call parent::create() to get the
parent's method to fire off.

That's kinda the whole point of it all...

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