On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 14:26, John Nichel wrote:
> Jay Blanchard wrote:
> <snip>
> > The speed difference is negligible though, in this day and age,
> > dependent upon how much hair-splitting you would care to do. You're
> > still setting aside a block of code which will have to be parsed and you
> > incur the same setup if the goto section is the same code as the
> > function. The overhead is introduced in the calling of the function. But
> > we're splitting hairs here :)
> </snip>
> Ah, but goto isn't really the same as a function.  Functions are along 
> the lines of gosub.
> *not to be left out on the splitting of hairs ;)

A more realistic speed hit is the fact that using if/elseif/else or
switch statements requires on average an O( n ) lookup, whereas a proper
goto implemention is O( 1 ). Now I'll give you you could do an label to
function map and use that instead, but that's still O( lg n ).

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