* "Mark Cain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :
> Here is one way to do it:
> $rr="thisscritjajsj[ OUT1 ]ajdamsda;sjo;tkpdk[ OUT2 ]sdfmjs[ OUT3 ]dfjlsd";
> preg_match("/.*\[(.*)\].*\[(.*)\].*\[(.*)\].*/", $rr, $match);
> list($whole_match[],$a[],$a[],$a[]) = $match;

This is fine as long as there's precisely three escape sequences in the
string; if there's an arbitrary number, that won't work. I've posted
another solution already using preg_match_all() that will.

> ----- Original Message -----
> To: <php-general@lists.php.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:13 PM
> Subject: [PHP] split()?
> > How would I do this ?
> >
> > Take this string and return everything between [ ] as an array
> > output doesnt have to inlude [ ]
> > $rr="thisscritjajsj[ OUT1 ]ajdamsda;sjo;tkpdk[ OUT2 ]sdfmjs[
> > OUT3 ]dfjlsd";
> >
> > $a = some function
> >
> > echo '<pre> ';
> > print_r($a);
> >
> >     [0] =>  [ OUT1 ]
> >     [1] =>  [ OUT2 ]
> >     [2] =>  [ OUT3 ]

Matthew Weier O'Phinney           | WEBSITES:
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mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | http://vermontbotanical.org

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