On 7/5/05, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi everyone,
> I have a function which recursively loops an assoc array in
> order to build an HTML string containing hidden <input> elements
> that repesent the key/values passed in the array ... I know this can
> be done without recursion but I'm having a brainfreeze, anyone care
> to share some tips on replacing the recursion with some kind of stack
> based solution (the idea being that I want to remove the overhead
> of the recursive calls to the function if possible ...
> I'm looking to get a better understanding of alternatives to
> recursion in general rather than in this specific example,
> so come people show us what you can do! :-)
> example:
> function rec_build_hidden_inputs($args = array(), $prefix = '')
> {
>      static $inputTpl = "<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />\n";
>      $_contents = '';
>      foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
>          $nextPrefix = $prefix > ''
>                      ? "{$prefix}[{$key}]";
>                      : $key
>                      ;
>          $_contents .= is_array($val)
>                      ? rec_build_hidden_inputs($val, $nextPrefix)
>                      : sprintf($inputTpl, $nextPrefix, $key)
>                      ;
>      }
>      return $_contents;
> }
> rgds,
> Jochem
> PS - do ya think I can copyright this?:
>         =
>         ?
>         :
>         ;
> nah, didn't think so - none the less you might be surprised how many people
> it annoys ;-)
> --
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This is completely untested (sry, don't have the time right now to
test it), but something like this should work....

$inputTpl = "<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />\n";
$recursiveStack = array();

// change  firstArgs and firstPrefix to the first values in your array
$firstArgs = array();
$firstPrefix = '';
$recursiveStack[] = array("args"=>$firstArgs, "prefix"=>$firstPrefix);
$_contents = '';

while($currVal = array_pop($recursiveStack)) {
   $args = $currVal["args"];
   $prefix = $currVal["prefix"];
   foreach($args as $key=>$val) {
      $nextPrefix = $prefix > ''
         ? "{$prefix}[{$key}]";
         : $key
      if(is_array($val)) {
         array_push($recursiveStack, array("args"=>$val,
      } else {
         $contents .= sprintf($inputTpl, $nextPrefix, $key);

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