I'm wondering if someone has a better solution then I've come up with.
I've got a few reports that pull from various tables. Some times I'm
not able to put all the tables into a single query/view. So I end up
with a master query and 1 (or more) supporting queries. I'm using
MSSQL 2000/IIS/PHP4/ADODB. This may be my own weakness in designing a
query, I'm willing to learn if it is. So I've ended up doing things

function formula($part,$array){
    //imagine a formula to calculate weeks in pipe for a part
    foreach($array AS $val){
        $qty = $val[1];
    return $qty;

$q1 = "SELECT part, fcast FROM parts";
$rs1 = $conn->Execute($s);
$rs1_arr = $rs1->GetArray();

$q2 = "SELECT part, qty FROM pos";
$rs2 = $conn->Execute($s);
$rs2_arr = $rs2->GetArray();

foreach($rs1_arr AS $data){
echo "Part: ".$data[0];
echo "Forecast: ".$data[1];
echo "POs: ".formula($data[0],$rs2_arr);

This is not a wonderful example, because I could LEFT JOIN pos to
parts. But I have more complex queries that have several INNER/LEFT
joins that once I bring in that last table to complete my query it
(the last table) skews my sums. Really I'm just wondering if others
have come across


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