On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 02:10, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
> > I am trying to add 3 (or a user-defined amount) week days to a certain 
> > date.. 
> > An example is today 2005-08-18 then adding 3 week days to give me a date of 
> > 2005-08-23. I have tried searching online but cannot find an easy way of 
> > doing so.
> $numDaysToAdd = 3;
> $s = ($numDaysToAdd == 1) ? '' : 's';
> $dayInFuture = strtotime("+$numDaysToAdd day$s");
> $dayName = date('l', $dayInFuture);
> if($dayName == 'Saturday') {
>       $dayInFuture = strtotime("+2 days", $dayInFuture);
> } else if($dayName == 'Sunday') {
>       $dayInFuture = strtotime("+1 day", $dayInFuture);
> }
> Disclaimer: untested code.

This doesn't work since the value can be user defined and thus may span
multiple weeks :) The following works but is dirty, I'm sure there's a
better solution using modulus operator and adding and subtracting and a
little voodoo... I'm just too lazy atm to think it up ;)


$weekdays = array
    'Mon' => true,
    'Tue' => true,
    'Wed' => true,
    'Thu' => true,
    'Fri' => true,

$daySeconds = (60 * 60 * 24);

$start = time();
$addWeekdays = 3;

$final = $start;
while( $i < $addWeekdays )
    $final += $daySeconds;
echo date( 'D', $final )."\n";
    if( isset( $weekdays[date( 'D', $final )] ) )

echo 'Start: '.date( 'Y-m-d (D)', $start )."\n";
echo 'Final: '.date( 'Y-m-d (D)', $final )."\n";

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