Hi Jay,
Sorry for the headache I gave ya out of aggravation :)
Now It mails me everything Except the check box info

Here is the working mail code ( This is a different page: http://www.primarywave.com/BrokerOutpost_Contact.php )
foreach($HTTP_GET_VARS as $indx => $value) {
foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $indx => $value) {
if($sendmessage == "yes"){

$todaytime = date("F j, Y, g:i a");

$mailTo = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
//$mailTo = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

$mailSubject = "Primary Wave Media Contact BrokerOutpost Ref :: $todaytime";

$mailBody = "Information:\n\n";
 $mailBody .= "Number:       $number\n\n";
$mailBody .= "Full Name:       $name\n";
$mailBody .= "Company:  $company\n";
$mailBody .= "State:    $state\n";
$mailBody .= "Email:    $email\n";
$mailBody .= "Phone:    $phone\n\n";
$mailBody .= "Main Activities:  $activities\n\n";
$mailBody .= "SelectedNumber:  $SelectedNumber\n";
$mailBody .= "Comments:  $comments\n\n\n";
$mailBody .= "$todaytime";

$mailHeaders = "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

mail($mailTo, $mailSubject, $mailBody, $mailHeaders);

print "<CENTER><H2>Thank You</H2></CENTER>";


$_num = new number();

$number = $_num->num_info[number];


I put the whole NON-WORKINGcode in .txt version at
I gave group & global Writing permission aswell, edit if you like.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jay Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Chirantan Ghosh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <php-general@lists.php.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:28 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP Printing Error Help

I put the whole code in .txt version at
I gave group & global Writing permission aswell, edit if you like.

*smacks forehead* Hello? Is this thing on? Post only the relevant code?

Can we see the source of the one that works? Only the mail code

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