The Function in Netscape DDE was:

        WWW_ParseAnchor(qcsAbsoluteURL, qcsRelativeURL)



    * Netscape is: Server.
    * Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
    * Item (Arguments): qcsAbsoluteURL,qcsRelativeURL
          o qcsAbsoluteURL is the absolute (fully qualified) URL with which to 
parse a relative URL; in this case qcsRelativeURL.
          o qcsRelativeURL is a URL which is relative to an absolute URL; in 
this case qcsAbsoluteURL. 
    * Data (Returns): qcsCombinedURL
          o qcsCombinedURL is an absolute (fully qualified) URL created by 
resolving the relative URL (qcsRelatvieURL) with respect to the absolute URL 
    * Description: Use this topic to have Netscape resolve relative to absolute 
URLs, instead of writing an implementation in your application. This will also 
give consistent results when resolving relative URLs in all applications which 
use this topic. URL access/protocol types that are not understood by Netscape 
(not registered) will not be parsed correctly; you can register a protocol 
through WWW_RegisterProtocol. 


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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