Does your load balancer support sticky sessions?  What this means is a
client will make a request and the request will be sent through a load
balancer.  That LB will remember the client and always point the
client's requests to the same webserver.  This way you don't have to
write your own session handler like someone else suggested.  I know the
F5 load balancers are able to support sticky sessions, I don't know if
what you're using is able, but it might be worth an hour or two to look
into it.

Nate Tobik
(412)661-5700 x206


Also - how would one go about handling sessions behind a load-balancing
configuration?  The best I've thought of is to use some sort of load
balancer which also has an NFS share.  Sessions are created with this
load balancer, and Apache or whatever proxy's the connection to the
machines behind the load balancer.  The machines behind the load
balancer map the NFS share from the load balancer, and are able to
interact with the session.  I'm very curious as to how session tracking
is done through multiple machines, as well.


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