Hi there!

Look at following code below, and please give me a clue why this cookie-thing doesn't work?
$IDJoke is set before and is an ID from a row in a db
It seems to work a while, but is there a limit for the expire-parameter?


//Get cookie from users computer for current joke to tell if user is allowed to vote or not!
   $cookieJoke = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["$IDJoke"];
   if ($cookieJoke == 'voted') {$showVoteValues ='N';$userVote = 'N';}

   //User wants to vote?
   if ($voteNow == 'Y' AND $userVote == 'Y' AND $cookieJoke != 'voted') {

$showVoteValues = 'N'; //Don't show values directly after vote...

//Save IDJoke to a cookie with the value - voted to users computer setcookie("$IDJoke", 'voted', time()+60*60*24*30*12*100); /* expires in about 100 years*/

   //END User wants to vote
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