
My question is:
How do I detect if mysql_connect() failed when I'm surpressing the error message with 
@ like
$linkid = @mysql_connect("host","user","pass");
And how do I, if it failes, get the error message?

The manuel says that it:
[quote]Returns a positive MySQL link identifier on success, or an error message on 

In my mind I should be able to detect if it returns an errormessage like this:
    $error = mysql_error();
    $error = mysql_error();
Noone of theese 2 types works :-(.
I'm using is_int() because the manuel says that mysql_connect() returns an int. (How 
can it then return an error message? I thought that an error message would be some 
kind if string :-).)

Here comes another problem, when an error occours I should be able to see the message 
with mysql_error() (since the linkid not contains an error message.)

Marcus R.

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