Here's the issue. I use MySQL as my database backend. I used to have php
fine and I used phpMyAdmin to do any admin functions I needed to on MySQL.

I recently upgraded to MySQL 5.x and ever since I've gotten the following
error messages.

When I try to use extension=php_mysqli.dll

This error follows

The procedure entry point myslq_stmt_bind_param could not be located in the
dynamic link library LIBMYSQL.DLL

Then I the following warning:

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\PHP\ext\php_mysqli.dll' - The specified procedure could not be

When I try to use php_mysql.dll I get the following errors.

The procedure entry point mysql_thread_end could not be located in the
dynamic link library LIBMYSQL.DLL

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\PHP\ext\php_mysql.dll' - The specified procedure could not be

I've uninstalled and reinstalled Apache, PHP, and MyPHPAdmin - and I still
get no love.

Like I said, worked great before I upgraded to MySQL 5.x

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