How do you display raw binary data of a file sent from a server with curl ?

When I curl a movie file with curl -l -i "path2file/file.php",I get the below output in my Terminal.

$find = array($find1,$find2,$find3,$find4);
$replace = array($replace1,$replace2,$replace3,$replace4);

    if( $fd  = fopen($filepath, 'rb')){
     while(!feof($fd)) {
echo str_replace($find,$replace, fread($fd, $chunkSize)); //read and encode
     fclose ($fd);

I want to encrypt the file with something akin to str_replace and decode it on the other side with a custom data handler Just want to make sure that I am str_replace'ing the actual data and not a representation of it :)

I am am bit new to this and deep in experimentation so any help is appreciated :)


ETag: 26a774b8e648b52c24f01c7277ce597f
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 24113190
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Content-Type: video/quicktime

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