Hi all

Having looked at the archives, they mention that the cause for this problem 
might be that the FTP_BINARY constant isn't transmitted to the the FTP 

I therefore adjusted my code to this:

return ftp_put($this->ftphandle, $localfile, $remotefile,FTP_BINARY);

Seeing as this fails also, I prepended this with a pasv command, and even went 
as far as doing this

ftp_raw($this->ftphandle,'quote pasv'); //put ftp in passive mode
ftp_raw($this->ftphandle,'quote type i'); //put ftp in binary mode
return ftp_put($this->ftphandle, $localfile, $remotefile,FTP_BINARY);

Alas, to no avail!  The server keeps telling me STOR not understood, so I 
connected manually to the server, and 

quote stor
500 'STOR' not understood

But I can upload files with PUT nonetheless.  So is there a way to tell PHP to 
use the PUT command instead of the STORE command?

With kind regards


Registered Linux User Number 379093
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   amaroK::the Coolest Media Player in the known Universe!

   Cockroaches and socialites are the only things that can 
   stay up all night and eat anything.
                                            Herb Caen
Version: 3.1
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Check out these few php utilities that I released
 under the GPL2 and that are meant for use with a 
 php cli binary:


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