Petr Smith wrote:
Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:

Petr Smith wrote:

is it possible to cache parsed XML files somehow? I'm writing template library based on XML. But it's not very efficient to create new DomDocument, load XML template, process it and show on every page hit. XML parsing is not very fast, and because I'm parsing XHTML with entities, all DTD's are parsed too. I thought about something similar to java - there I can have servlet which lives all the time the server lives. It can load XML and parse it only for the first time and send DOM objects to another servlets.
I need something similar with PHP, can it be done?

This question seems to come up every other week on this list. Have a look at APC[1]; you can cache objects with its apc_store() and apc_fetch() functions.


Thanks, looks usable.. I hope it can synchronize successfully between different calls on heave load. I'll try it, I don't know why I missed it when browsing documentation.



it's not working at all. And it could never work. I don't think it's funny to write false advices to people "every other week". I've installed APC cache, tried to save XML. It was not working. apc_fetch returned NULL every time.

$dom = apc_fetch("dom");
if ($dom === false) {
        $dom = new DomDocument();
        $store = apc_store("dom", $dom);
        echo "store finished: $store";
echo $dom->saveXML();

When I looked into documentation for APC - there is this sentence: "And apc_store() currently doesn't work at all for (internal) classes in PHP5 right now.". And all the XML stuff is what? Internal PHP5 classes!

Please don't confuse people with false edvices next time. Better to say nothing then solutions that are not working. I lost lot of time and got only ton of disapointment.

And still no solution to my problem :(.


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