I have tried every encoding which could be found in: http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php

But nothing seems to work, I don't have any problems displaying the funny chars in the browsers, there are some encodings which works fine for that, the problem is when I save it to a file using fwrite().

Jochem Maas wrote:
Erfan Shirazi wrote:

The problem is if I don't specify and encoding even an echo() on the

specify a different encoding if you don't want html entities.

string shows strange chars when I have made a mb_strtoupper() on the string. With HTML-ENTITIES at least it looked ok when you made an echo()

of course it looks ok - the browser is showing you the characters that the
html entities represent.

this string: 'Ó'
...is an html entity.

but when saved in file it looks bad.

time for you to find out (STFW) about html entities and encoding in general

Does anybody now what I can do in order to make the string into capital

try setting your encoding to 'UTF-8' or some such, your mileage may vary.

letters, be able to save it to a file and looking as it should look, that is: AsunciĆ³n and not ASUNCIÓN?


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