Today I discovered a possible serious problem with the way the latest PHP versions handle private properties.

Given the following code:


class Base
   private $var1 = 0;

class FinalClass extends Base
function Test()
       $this->var1 = 10;

$c = new FinalClass();


print_r( $c );


I get the following result:

FinalClass Object
   [var1:private] => 0
   [var1] => 10

Now... PHP should have displayed an error when I was trying to set a value to this private member from the parent class. No error message was displayed. It created a local member which holded the value 10. But when trying to access this value from the parent class, it is not there.

I think PHP should notify of the problem but it is not doing so. I have my error reporting level on E_ALL.

Any ideas?

Pablo Godel

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