On Sat, 2005-10-22 at 19:28, Dan Trainor wrote:
> Hello, all -
> I'm trying to think of how this might be possible, but I can't seem to 
> come up with anything.
> I'd like to make a login form of sorts, which would enable a user to 
> authenticate against.  A simple HTML form, with a PHP back-end, where a 
> user enters a username and password.  If this authentication succeeds, 
> the user is redirected to the protected area.  However, this protected 
> area was originally protected by an Apache .htaccess-style "require 
> valid-user".
> After authentication succeeds, I'd like to redirect the user to the 
> Apache protected directory, circumventing the .htaccess "require 
> valid-user" method - because the user has already authenticated by some 
> other means, and there's no need to re-authenticate against HTTP Basic 
> Authentication.
> Anyone know if this is possible, and if so, how this might work?  I'm 
> just looking for some ideas here.

If you know the appropriate login and password then you can redirect
using the username and password in the url (not very secure though):

    http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/blahBlahBlah.php

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