On 31 Oct 2005, at 03:29, Gustavo Narea wrote:

I think It is OK what I said about the caret, but what we need to change is the position of \W*:
   Your suggestion: /(\b\w+\b\W*){1,$MaxWords}/
   My suggestion: /^(\W*\b\w+\b){1,$MaxWords}/

We need the *first* ($MaxWords)th words.

I makes no difference - they will both work. Mine doesn't care where the first word starts because it doesn't use ^, and yours doesn't care where the first word starts because it's got ^ followed by \W*. Your overall match will end up with leading spaces, mine will end up with trailing spaces - the subsequent trim fixes them both. I like mine because it has 1 less char ;^)

Ultimately, if it works for you, great!

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture
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