Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-11-08 at 13:36 -0700, Dan Trainor wrote:
> [snip]
>>>So, as you can see, nothing completely out of the 'norm.  The examples
>>>given in the manual are not all that clear, so by using absolute path
>>>names, I'm just guessing.  I have used relative paths as well - same thing.
>>>The auto_prepend_file directive set from within php.ini, is commented
>>>out, as to not overwrite my specification.  I've tried leaving that
>>>directive blank, and setting it to something completely different.  Same
>>>If you guys wouldn't mind taking a few more minutes to mow over all of
>>>this, I would *greatly* appreciate it.
> Would you mind telling us what the problem is? You've said that you are
> having problems and that you don't think you're alone, but you haven't
> mentioned what the actual problem is.

Ah, oops.

Well, the problem is simple;  it just doesn't work.  No script is
prepended to the page that I access from within /demo/protected.  My
prepend script consists of the following line of code:

<? echo "This is prepended.<br /><br />"; ?>

Sorry about that.


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