
on 11/17/2005 08:00 PM Nate Nielsen said the following:
I'm having an issue with cURL.  I have installed it on two different
boxes, one is working properly, and another isn't.

The script auto login's a user to a site.  One server it works as
expected and logs the user in, the other it does not.  It appears the
cookie data that is being saved is different on the two machines from
the login.

The code itself is identical.   The result on the two servers is
different.   I've fiddled with this thing for a couple weeks, and now
its too late to mess with it anymore as I have a launch target I need
to hit.

This sounds like bugs in different curl library versions.

I cannot help you with CURL itself because I do not use it except for circumstances where SSL is needed and OpenSSl is not available.

Anyway, I use this HTTP client class that uses either fsockopen connections or curl depending what is available. When SSL is not necessary, the Curl library is not used at all.

The class takes care of collecting and send back any site cookies, handles redirection, complex HTTP authentication methods, etc.. You may want to take a look at it here:



Manuel Lemos

Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator

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