David Grant wrote:


Have you checked for a php-ldap RPM?


David Grant

Bing Du wrote:


PHP has already been installed through RPM. phpinfo() shows
'--with-ldap'.  That's the only information about ldap.  I think there
should be more than that if php were installed with ldap support
properly.  So what should I check and get ldap support added?  Do I have
to download PHP source and go through configure, make and make install?

Thanks in advance,


Thanks much for the hints. I've just installed php-ldap. Now running the script from the command like works.

% php test.php

Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.2

<h3>LDAP query test</h3>Connecting ...
connect result is Resource id #1<br />Binding ...LDAP bind successful...Searching for (sAMAccountName=user) ...Search result is Resource id #2<br />Number of entires returned is 0<br />Getting entries ...<p>Data for 0 items returned:<p>Closing connection

But in a web browser, it shows:

LDAP query test
Connecting ...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ldap_connect() in /home/user/public_html/test.php on line 17



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