Hi all

This one's got me stumped. I'm working on a PHP CLI interface, and I need to allow the user to input a bit of HTML.

Rather than bandy around with readline() and the like, I thought it would be nice to just create a temporary file, pop nano up, and read and then delete the file once it's been edited. That way I get nano's syntax highlighting and other useful features.

However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to allow the user to interact with nano once the process has been launched. The usual culprits:

{exec,system,shell_exec}( "nano tmpfile.txt" );

all just hang (top shows nano is running, but it doesn't seem to be attached to the terminal).

How can I launch a process and attach it to the terminal PHP CLI was launched from so that the user can interact with it?

Jasper Bryant-Greene
General Manager
Album Limited

+64 21 708 334

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