There is an error in this code.  It should in fact read:

$a = split("\r\n", chunk_split('1234567890', 2), 5);


$a = split("\n", chunk_split('1234567890', 2, "\n"), 5);

David Grant wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Try:
> $a = split("\n", chunk_split('1234567890', 2), 5);
> Cheers,
> David Grant
> Sichta Daniel wrote:
>> Hi all !!!
>> I have string like this "1234567890"
>> I need to split this into array like this
>> a[0] = "12"
>> a[1] = "34" 
>> a[2] = "56" 
>> a[3] = "78" 
>> a[4] = "90"
>> I know that for this is preg_split, but I don't know the string patern
>> for split.
>> Thank you in advance !!
>> Dan

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