Quoting Michael Crute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 12/6/05, Jeff McKeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey all,

Forever now I've been using Frontpage for all my web work including php.
I'm sure there's better software out there that is more suited to
writing and editing PHP pages.  What do you all use?



Actually, there isn't much WORSE than FrontPage for any kind of
coding. My personal favorite for projects at work is Eclipse with
phpEclipse plugin and at home I use vim almost exclusively.

I recommend Zend Studio if you can afford it since it has a GUI for both Windows
and Linux, and it runs fairly fast for being a Java application. ;)

I agree with Mike, pretty much anything is better than FrontPage for editing web
pages.  If you're going to be changing both HTML and PHP, Zend works fine, but
if you want something with less features but with all the important stuff such
as syntax highlighting, multiple window buffers, and all that shebang, go for
EditPlus www.editplus.com or UltraEdit www.ultraedit.com, I prefer EditPlus
over most such "simpler" editors on Windows, and on Linux I use Jed, which has
good menu handling and Windows-like shortcuts that speed up the work. I tend to
get slightly confused when working 95% in Windows and then having to edit
something in vim or emacs.

Just my two cents...

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