Sorry if this question sounds noobish:

$foo = array(); // Declare first, good practice.
$foo = array('one', 'two', 'three');

Using above as example, is it good to always declare the array first?

I usually/always declare my arrays first, but sometimes I get a bit confused... for example:

function give_foo() {
        $the_foo = array(); // Declare first, good practice.
        $the_foo = array('one', 'two', 'three');
        // Do some stuff here...
        return $the_foo;
$foo = give_foo(); // Declare $foo also?

So, should I declare $foo as array and then give it the value of the function? Example:

$foo = array(); // Declare first, good practice.
$foo = give_foo();

That seems kinda redundant. Thoughts?

Sorry if this is a stupid question... I am self-taught, and I am trying to shake all my bad coding habits.

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