Actually it's not "dangerous" per se.

However if can be very dangerous if you aren't being careful in your code,
for instance, consider this.

Let's say I've conditionally set $sql somewhere else in the code based upon
certain conditions, which works fine. But let's say those conditions aren't
met so $sql doesn't get set to anything since it's not really used. Now
consider this code:

if ($sql)
$result = mysql_query($sql);

Now that would be fine for all normal instances. But now what if someone
appends this onto the end of your url:

?query= something like "DROP databasename". It doesn't take too much
imagination to see what kind of things could happen if someone just had a
little bit of knowledge about how your code works.

Thus you have two options. One is of course to turn register_globals off,
but ALWAYS ALWAYS _ALWAYS_ set a default for every variable you refer to in
your script at some point before doing anything with it. So if you use $sql
be 100% sure that it has been set $sql explicitly in your code before doing
anything with it.

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

""Greig, Euan"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have read in several places that is dangerous to have register_globals
on, but I have not understood the (short) explanations given. Can anyone
enlighten me?
> Euan Greig
> Technical Consultant
> 01285 645997
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